Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Mother's Sweet Lament

 Ever so lightly I press mothering fingertips against the tanned left forearm of my Sleeping Man-Child; the center-of-my-soul flips as whispered, "thank-you, thank-you, thank-you's" set off an avalanche of memories: his 9lb, 11oz., entrance longed for and celebrated by a family of four who eagerly spoke his name as soon as the sonogram confirmed he was our sweet little Patrick Michael; the peals of delighted laughter as Kristen & Ricky Neal sat transfixed as he kicked and caused a cup of water to slosh about on my belly; apnea monitors which sent me to the brink of despair and strong maturing lungs as day after day, week after week, month after month, and year by year passed...finding me and him here this evening. One fast asleep, the other awake and mindful of the bittersweet passing of time. You are loved Patrick Michael Barnhill, you are loved.

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