Thursday, October 24, 2013

That's Life, Take 2

So, I'm pulling details together and getting back on track when it comes to fresh & lively "That's Life!" w/Julie vblogs and (soon, and very soon) dedicated podcasting. Yay! Podcasts. As I get those details in-line, please enjoy archive postings. #ThatsLifewJulie


  1. I understand the need to step back and review/renew. I just wanted you to know that I miss you! As a parent of three teenagers, I have been strengthen by your insights. Thank you and hurry back.

  2. Laurie,

    I'm baaaaaaaack. :) Hence, a response at last! Thanks for the encouragement and I'm working on a new keynote and comedy bits featuring our favorite characters--->teenagers.

    Always remember, never to forget: "just out last 'em!"
